Space Battleship Yamato

Space Battleship Yamato: Are you kidding me?

This movie is going to give me an frakking stroke from pure awesome!!!

The new trailer for Space Battleship Yamato makes me want to pick up the Rosetta Stone Japanese class just so I can fly to Tokyo for the premiere of this film. I am almost more exited for this movie than I was for Star Trek.

Space Battleship Yamato Trailer

Pure Awesome, Nuff Said.

Space Battleship Yamato – On Set

So, here we go with more fantastic Space Battleship Yamato goodness.

This movie is, in many ways, the culmination of everything I have dreamed of as a fan of Science Fiction Starship battle sequences. They are going big in every way, from fantastic sets and amazing special effects to casting some of the biggest names in Japanese Cinema. I hope this movie just crushes at the box office in Japan so we can either have a fully dubbed version or even a giant budget hollywood adaptation, so long as its not M Knight or Micheal Bay who directs it.

Give this to Zac Snyder, Robert Rodriguez or perhaps even Guillermo Del Toro and we might have something to resurrect the modly corpse that American Sci Fi has become. Other than Star Trek we have had nothing to really enjoy since the soulless Prequels.